
The ZVEI combines knowledge and experience

The ZVEI's aim is to promote the introduction of vehicles with electric motors. It wants a holistic approach which sees the electrical car and energy infrastructure as part of the energy system.

With regard to electromobility, the ZVEI combines knowledge and experience of the Association and its member companies in a future lead market. The aim is to promote the widespread introduction of vehicles with alternative electric motors. Through its technical expertise, the ZVEI supports the Federal Government's project to encourage electromobility in Germany and to expand it sustainably, both in economic and political terms.

In a joint position paper published with the VDA and the BDEW on the development of electromobility, the ZVEI argues for a holistic approach. In it, electric car and energy infrastructure are seen as part of an energy system that is future-proof only in the symbiotic relationship between the two components. Electromobility as the initiator of new solutions and business models in storage and vehicle technology, infrastructure, and manufacturing industry thereby secures the global leadership for Germany as a location for innovation.

Here. the Electromobility Competence Centre in the ZVEI acts as an expert contact for decision-makers in politics, academia and the economy, helping to develop robust concepts for the mobility of the future. The range of topics covered by the ZVEI extends from intensive dialogue with politicians to participation in important trade fairs to arranging expert meetings related to electromobility.

The seven working groups of the Electromobility Competence Centre define what they assume is needed to enable Germany to become a leading market and to make German companies leading electromobility providers at both the national and international level.


Set Europe Free!

Europe has shackled itself, its citizens and its companies – sometimes un­necessarily. In international ­competition, it is now important to release the brakes. Only then can the continent realise its full potential. And continue to play at eye-level worldwide.


Set Europe Free!

Europe has shackled itself, its citizens and its companies – sometimes un­necessarily. In international ­competition, it is now important to release the brakes. Only then can the continent realise its full potential. And continue to play at eye-level worldwide.

Climate-neutral society only works with standardisation

Achieving the transformation to a climate-neutral and sustainable society and economy, while maintaining prosperity, needs the responsible and consistent use of technology and innovation, as well as comprehensive electrification and digitalisation. This requires norms and standards.

How and where can I recharge my car?

Germany wants to become the lead market for electro-mobility. The political expectations are clearly formulated: by 2020, a million vehicles will be powered by electricity. This will require a suitable charging infrastructure.