Results: 41
This document investigates the challenges and opportunities that arise as a result of the immense technological development of devices in the consumer area and that will be further strengthened with…
Everybody is talking about Industrie 4.0, and yet, at the start of this position paper, it appears necessary to lay out the key aspects regarding the position and role of Manufacturing Execution…
Digitisation is a challenge as well as an outstanding opportunity. To grasp its full potential, we need an approach that goes beyond conventional categories and borders of companies or industrial…
Industrie 4.0 is driving the digitalisation of products, processes and services. Traditional services are being combined with internet-based services to create innovative smart services that are…
Download: Examples of the Asset Administration Shell for Industrie 4.0 Components – Basic Part
Europe will have the chance to take off to a fourth industrial revolution at high speed and will hold its pole position on a global scale. ZVEI member companies are representing all key technologies…
Which properties does a product need in order to be Industrie 4.0 compatible? The Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 and the Industrie 4.0 component provide a basic method and orientation.…
This GMA Status Report presents a reference architecture model (RAMI4.0) for semantic technologies and their benefits for automation and its associated technologies. The structures and functions…
The term INDUSTRIE 4.0 has spread quickly and finds international interest among producers, relevant technology-oriented industries, research and policy.The implementation strategy for INDUSTRIE…
Download: Electrical connectivity for Industrie 4.0? - Challenges for electrical connectivity as a result of emerging “Industrie 4.0” concepts