Results: 41
The two associations ZVEI and NAMUR have published a brochure entitled "Sustainability through process automation - Greater efficiency and sustainability through automation, digitalization and…
12.04.2022 | Europe
The EU has acted by adopting ambitious climate goals. Still, sustainable finance falls significantly short of the investment needs required to realise the climate and environmental goals of the EU.…
The acronyms MTP and NOA have dominated the discussion for some years now, no matter when and where process automation specialists and automation technology providers come together. The Module Type…
13.10.2021 | Europe
The weather extremes in 2021 have shown the threat of climate change is real and immediate action is required to reach our ambitious climate goals by 2030 and 2050 respectively. For reaching…
06.08.2021 | Digitalisation, Europe, Electrification
The European Commission presented its proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence ("AI Act") on 21 April. The proposed regulation aims to create a legal framework in Europe for…
01.03.2021 | Digitalisation, Electrification
In the White Paper Drive System 2030, twelve future-oriented theses are put forward in the field of electric drive systems for a time frame of ten years. The experts do not expect disruptive…
16.09.2020 | Digitalisation, Europe, Electrification
The electrical industry’s requirements for Common European Data Spaces Networked products and new storage options enable companies to process huge volumes of data. Collected via platforms,…
Part 1 - The exchange of information between partners in the value chain of Industrie 4.0 The aim of this document is to make selected specifications of the structure of the Administration Shell in…
27.01.2020 | Digitalisation, Electrification
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Industry 4.0 is inconceivable without connectivity and communication. The elements of the various value chains exchange different types of data for different purposes in order to fulfil their…