Results: 246
From time to time, the ZVEI provides additional information on selected countries and regions in a special edition of the foreign trade report.
On 15 September 2022, the European Commission published the draft of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). ZVEI has been intensively involved in the informal discussions between the European legislator…
From time to time, the ZVEI provides additional information on selected countries and regions in a special edition of the foreign trade report.
The purpose of the EU Construction Products Regulation (CPR) is to establish uniform testing standards for construction products throughout Europe and facilitate a harmonized European market. The…
ZVEI's latest Global Market Outlook of Electo and Digital Industry provides forecasts for the current and the next year, containing predictions for the global market but also for more than 50 single…
No wind turbines, no energy storage, no electric cars, no semiconductors. Without per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), the key technologies for the transition to climate neutrality…
Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have made a joint proposal to restrict per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Europe under the European REACH Regulation. The…
In addition to product design, product safety is of central importance for manufacturers of household electrical appliances, especially for appliances that come into contact with food. In order to…
On the road to climate neutrality in 2045, the "climate neutral grid" will be the key element in the energy system. This grid must ensure the connection of a rapidly growing number of decentralised…
Competent authorities in five European countries earlier this year proposed a wide-ranging restriction on per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) under the European chemicals regulation…