Electrical insulation materials are central components of electronic devices and wound goods.
Electronic Components and Printed Circuit Boards as well as Ceramic Microcircuits are the basis of electronic devices and goods. The need to comply with the specific requirements of chemicals legislation relating to electrical engineering and electronic industry products represents a particular challenge for the market players involved. Therefore, Material Data for compliance evaluation of Electronic Components, Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) as well as Ceramic Microcircuits, and the data transfer along the supply chain is very important for the electronic business.
For the documentation of those information the harmonized standard EN 50581:2012 can be used. The application of this standard is described in the document "Transfer Of Substance Declarations".
ZVEI has developed efficient concepts for the Material Data Declaration as described on the following pages. These concepts are common ways for the Material Data Declaration of the above named product groups that are used and being widely accepted especially for specific markets, e.g. the Automotive Industry. For other product groups and markets, different systems have been established that are not presented at this page.
Material Data Declaration for Electronic Components, Printed Circuit Boards and Ceramic Microcircuits
The Electronic Components and Systems Division and PCB and Electronic Systems Division within the ZVEI many years ago developed – in cooperation with an industry team covering the information owners for typical Electronic Components – an efficient concept for the Material Data Declaration of Electronic Components, Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and Ceramic Microcircuits. The Material Data Declaration can be created by forming cross-company product groups with typical values. In addition, this data format could also be used to describe product families or individual products. How to use this kind of concept will be explained later.
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Material Content Data can be created by forming cross-company product groups with typical values. These Material Data Sheets, so-called Umbrella Specifications, greatly simplify the declaration without any noticeable loss of accuracy.
Automotive Industry and Material Data Declaration