Results: 5
The news of the sudden death of Nicole Denjoy deeply saddens ZVEI and its member companies. Ms Denjoy had been the General Secretary of Cocir, the European trade association of the medical…
A major consequence of the virus infection is respiratory distress in patients. The virus can therefore quickly become life-threatening, especially for older people and people with previous…
Cyberattacks on hospitals in Germany have shown that cybersecurity must also be improved in the health industry. Hospitals classified as critical infrastructure in accordance with the BSI Act are…
The goal of digitizing the health system is to ensure high-quality health care in the long term, to continuously improve it and at the same time to keep it affordable. EHealth - the use of…
Durch einfach zu bedienende Messgeräte kann der Patient im Alltag wichtige Daten über seinen Gesundheitszustand selbst erfassen. Zum Beispiel durch ein mobiles EKG-Gerät oder ein…