Results: 82
For electronic products with a display it is possible to show the markings via the menu on the electronic display. The ZVEI Working Group CE-Kennzeichnung (CE-marking) has prepared a recommendation,
18.05.2018 | Electrification
5G technology makes it possible to break new ground in industrial communication: In addition to broadband data transmission, it can also be used for very demanding industrial applications for the fir
Cyberattacks on hospitals in Germany have shown that cybersecurity must also be improved in the health industry. Hospitals classified as critical infrastructure in accordance with the BSI Act are obl
The goal of digitizing the health system is to ensure high-quality health care in the long term, to continuously improve it and at the same time to keep it affordable. EHealth - the use of informatio
Durch einfach zu bedienende Messgeräte kann der Patient im Alltag wichtige Daten über seinen Gesundheitszustand selbst erfassen. Zum Beispiel durch ein mobiles EKG-Gerät oder ein Blutdruckmessgerät.
Digitisation is causing major changes in health management. These concerns among other things, the development and manufacturing of medical devices, medical research, questions regarding the ethical
Robustness Validation is a modern qualification approach for Electronic Devices, Modules and Systems. The new 'test to fail' qualification approach (instead of a 'test-to-pass'), is a paradigm shift
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EN 45545 is a pure material test standard, which has uniformly defined the fire protection requirements of all materials used in rail vehicles since April 2016 throughout Europe. Accordingly, all ele
In view of the current discussion on increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions, it can be expected that reactive power and harmonics will come into greater focus also with regard to pol