Results: 82
Lighting harbours enormous possible savings for municipalities and companies. In the case of industrial lighting alone, according to the calculations of the ZVEI, around € 1 billion could be saved an
To implement Robustness Validation ZVEI offers various helpful documentation and supports Seminars and Training of VDA, ECPE and TA Esslingen. Robustness Validation Manual – How to use the Han
What is the difference between a battery and an accumulator? The term "battery" is used both as a generic term for energy storage and as a term for a non-rechargeable energy storage (prima
New study: Decoupling does not equal diversification 14.01.2021 “We are in China for China!” says the president of the European Chamber of Commerce China (EUCCC) Jörg Wuttke and emphasises that there
Standardisation enables the transformation of our society and economy towards a CO2-neutral all-electric society and thus ensures a future that is worth living. Without a comprehensive framewo
We acknowledge the DMA as a fundamental element of the EU digital strategy due to its combining aspect of fairness and competitiveness. However, we criticize different non-evidence based impulses try
In the case of a control cabinet, a digital product passport was used to show the CO2 footprint of a product throughout the entire supply chain. 91 percent of the CO2 emissions occur in the supply ch
The system concept presented at the beginning of April shows the technical realization of open industrial DC grids. In doing so, the concept is open and manufacturer-independent and presents the poss
Electronic Components and Printed Circuit Boards as well as Ceramic Microcircuits are the basis of electronic devices and goods. The need to comply with the specific requirements of chemicals legisla
On 23 February 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to, and use of, data (“Data Act”). The German electrical and digital industry int