Competent authorities in five European countries earlier this year proposed a wide-ranging restriction on per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) under the European chemicals regulation REACH. This is the EU's biggest chemicals restriction to date and is a key part of the EU Green Deal's chemicals strategy for sustainability.
The proposed ban on the manufacture, use and placing on the market of PFAS (in substances, mixtures, and articles) would have a massive impact on our member companies, whose technologies are essential for the energy transition, digitisation, European infrastructure, transport and logistics chains, healthcare, and process automation/measurement technology.
We see the production, research, and development locations of the German and European electro and digital industries as well as their global competitiveness at serious risk in the event of a blanket ban and therefore call for a fundamental revision of the restriction proposal in key areas.
The ZVEI position is summarized in this ZVEI-pager.